Petition For An Organ and Tissue Donation Registry
The Paddlers have been circlating a petition on Facebook for the creation of an Organ and tissue
Donation Bank for the NT. This is the best way atte moment off getting the largest amount of donors in one place. This system
is in place in 95% of Canada. Earlier we had ha written petition which we turned over to the Government and between this and
te facebook one we have over 650 sigatures. In the spring thhe Government agreed to rewrite the present laws and come up with
a system promoting donation. The petition is aimed at showing them the way we would like to see it go. In the mean time the
Paddlers are still passing out Donor cards to anyone that wants them, just contact us and we will see that you get them. Working
on getting stickers fr your drivers lience as well.
Paddlers Bursary fund
This is the fund we established within the Kidney Foundation with the original funds raised by Paddlin for
Parts in 2001. Our intentions had been to spend the funds on kids with Kidney problems and transplants. However we were told
that kids were very well funded and perhaps we should try another idea. Instead we decided to fund mature students that were
attending schools in an attempt to better their lives through Education. After 16 or 18 funding dries up for these folks in
many cases and so we attempt to bridge this gap in our small way. This has turned out very well and we have helped quite a
few folks along the way. We raise the funds and try and keep the fund full and the foundations Northern Alberta and Territories
branch manages the funds. We would do this ourselves however they have better access to certain information that is needed
to hand out the funds. Should you be 18 or over living in northern Alberta or the Territories attending a educational institution
and be living with Kidney Disease pre or post transplant you are a possible bursary receipt. We will issue 500.00 busaries
for up to two years if you live in Alberta and 1,000.00 dollars if you live in the Territories. The difference being that
most of these are actually give to students south of sixty and in an attempt to balance things we offer more to students from
the North. Donations have been slow the past year and so the fund is down , but we have some plans to beef her up. The
Foundation does nothing to add to this fund andit is financially supported entirely by the efforts of the Paddlers for Parts
I hand out the first Bursary from The Paddlers fun |

at the Kingsway Legion in 2002 |
Paddlers Logo Pins
I have had the pins now for awhile and have been giving them out as I travel around. Unfortunately not many of the
folks who get them actually wear them. we would prefer to give them to someone that will wear it as it is a nice design and
helps promote us and our efforts. Our pin in your collection jar is a waste of a pin and the funds spend buying them.
The Paddlers Logo
The symbol below is our logo and is displayed on all of our banners etc; in some form. I designed the logo knowing that
it should represent the Paddlers and their beliefs. I chose a green ribbon as this represents the Kidney foundation and our
connection with them. The green ribbon is also a river and is in the form of a kayak paddle which is our prefered method of
fund raising for ourselves and the causes we decide to support. The double paddle blades represent a number of things The
Paddlers and their supporters, the connection between Donor and Recipient and Balance and Flow of Life.
The Green Ribbon is the symbol of life as the the river and water also represent life .
You will find this symbol whereever we are and representing us in all that we attempt to do. When you think of this symbol
you think of us and we appreciate the thoughts.
Our lapel logo pins look like this and are 1.25 X |

.25 inches in size, complete with double pins. |
The Paddlers for Parts Association Who, What, When, Where and Why