Yellowknife Coin Box Locations
Harleys Hardrock Saloon (Downtown)
Weaver and Devore Ltd. (Oldtown)
Overlander Sports Ltd.(New Location Downtown)
Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-op (Old Airport Road)
The Chopping Block (Range Lake Road)
Chic Chik (Downtown)
Sutherlands Drugs (Downtown)
Birchwood Galleries ( YK Centre Main Floor )
Eldonns Jewellery (Green bracelets $2.00 and donor cards)
Liquor Store, Downtown ( wonder where this place is )
Liquor Store, Stanton Plaza
Goldrange Cafe, (downtown)
Our thanks to these folks as they add over a thousand dollars per year to the Kidney Foundations
coffers. This money supports the "Paddlers Bursary Fund" and helps to educate mature students living with Kidney Diease. Should
you have Renal Disease and live in Northern Alberta, NWT, Nunuvat or the Yukon and be attending an Educational Institution
you are very likely eligible and should Contact Heidi Erisman at the Edmonton Office to apply. Heidi may be reached at
by phone at 1-800-461-9063