Greg and his charming assistant award door |

prizes during intermission of WW4 April 8th |
Winter weary Paddlers eyeing up the new toys that |

Overlander Sports had set up during intermission |
Here are a few shots from the Water walker film festival held in Yellowknife of the evening of April 8th/06. Sixty folks
attended the viewing which we felt was well received. Thanks from the Paddlers for showing your support. Special thanks to
Ian Johnston, Bob Ellison, Naomi Crawford,Greg Loftus and the charming lady (mystery woman) that helped draw the door prizes
. We would also like to thank the sponsors that donated door prizes and refreshments. Thanks to Yellowknife Direct Charge
Co-op, Overlander Sports, Tundrasails, WAMP and the Northern United Chruch. Thanks one and all for making the event possible
and we look forward to doing it again next year.
CERT team member Naomi, mans the info booth |

at the Waterwalker film festival, good job Naomi |
Paddling fans from Yellowknife enjoying the films |

lots of new faces this year and all smiles (good sign) |
Crowd smoozing at the WW4 intermission |

things seem to be going well and finished that way |
We are hoping to fill this page with Action photos of the Paddlers and their friends hard
at work and play.
Day 7"PFP2001" Ft. Simpson, NWT bound for Wrigley |

Junction of Liard and Mackenzie Rivers |
Cheerio from our Irish Paddler Stuart and his date |

Stuart is a canoe (Canadian style) paddler from Belfast |
Paddlers keeping an eye on the kids |

Just a few extra folks hanging at the paddle session |
Enter content here
Vashti test runs "Slip" before the Mackenzie R. |

Balancing the load is an important step in kayaks |
Greg and vashti head north from Ft.Good Hope |

next stop Arctic Red River , 210 miles in 5 days |
Our arrivial after 1600 kilometres of pedaling |

Pedal for Parts 2001, Corey thanks for the company |
DR. Gary Todd, Greg's transplant Surgeon shares a |

moment with Greg and Corey.Thanks DR. Todd |
This is one of giant Mines old headframes, photo |

compliments of Patrick Gauthier, CERT NWT |
Lunch break,hiding from the wind on the Mackenzie |

Island is about 20 miles upstream of "Little Chicago" |
Ft. Providence,NT 1000 miles to go PFP 2001 |

About ten hours later and 50 miles into it we camped |
Salt River great spot for lunch on the Mackenzie |

Clear water and three moose we found here |
This is a mixture of things and folks that we are involved with in our efforts to aid the Kidney Foundation and folks
with Renal problems. I will add to and change these often so keep coming back and stay in touch. The Paddlers appreciate the
fact that you took the time to stop. We wish you well in all your endeavours and please feel free to drop by anytime, we are
always open you know. Greg
Surrounded by Transplant supporters and recipients |

Greg and Corey at the U of A Hospital, Edmonton |

Greg smooges with supporters in Edmonton |

Greg received the Branch President's award here |
Big John and the Cowgirl Moe provided shelter from |

storm at Norman wells PFP 2001, many thanks |
Consider Organ / Tissue Donation and "Recycle Yourself"
Meet Stephenie a Paddler's Bursary recipient, who |

is studying Wholelistic Medience and doing well. |
I have a few more pictures that will be coming your way shortly and hope that you continue to stop by and look.
Dave's Tundrasail in Action, Prosperous Lake, NWT |

Dave and Sheila volunteered to clean the Old Stope Hill |
Pool session about to begin,boats have been thawed |

out and await the paddler's butts |
Interested in making your own Videos and film in general. Contact WAMP the Western Arctic Movie Producers
and join today. A great chance to learn and a huge amount of equipment with which to learn on. Please use the link on
the Friends and supporters page to contact WAMP they would love to hear from you. DVD, 8mm and 16 MM WAMP has it