Paddlers for Parts Association #1545

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The Paddlers are always looking for like minded folk that would like to assist in accomplishing the mission. We are based in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada  and will accept members from around the globe. Lots of interest coming from Ontario, this is great.

Greg and Ben discuss the benefits of membership
Ben is sitting in one of those benefits called "Sploosh"

How Can You Join?

We would like to have you as members and try to make joining as painless as possible. Our membership form is included on this page and is down loadable. Please print one and complete it, Send it to us with your yearly dues of $20.00 dollars Canadian per adult member. We require a membership from for every member and dues are as follows adults 16 and over $20.00 per annum, teens 12 to16 $5.00 per annum and children under 12 are free. Membership is based on our fiscal year which runs from Janurary1st. till December 31st. each year. Receipts will be issued for all dues unless you request no receipt, these are however not tax receipts as we are not a registered charity.

All personal information is kept strictly confidential and should you decide to withdraw your membership we will remove all your data from our files. We do not use this information for any  other purpose other than responding to our members. The Paddlers are firm supporters of anti-spamming.

Who Can Join? We would like everyone to

The Paddlers welcome anyone that believes in the promotion of Organ and Tissue Donation and in Life after transplant. Should you be undecided in your mind about this issue, please use our our links to the proper pages to inform youself fully and then decide. Should you decide to support our cause contact us and we will gladly assit in what ever way that we can. Membership is open to all and any that believe that the Paddlers can work and are willing to help by expending their efforts in the right direction. We are firm believers in the fact that many paddles make like work. Thanks Greg

Benefits of Joining

The Paddlers realize that your time is vauable and we endeavor to make membership worth while.  As members you would be welcome to take part in any and all trips that you could make yourself available for. We would make space available on the website for you to promote trips organized by yourself on behalf of the Paddlers. We would also help with imformation should you be headed this way on an adventure. We would like you to use the site as a base to meet and plan future paddles, bikes or hikes with fellow members.

We are in the process of setting up a bulletin board that will allow you to stay in contact with your fellow members. We would like you to form your own chapter of Paddlers for Parts Chapter in your local area and use us as your central point. We would provide a page on the site for you to promote yourself and group activities. We will endeavour to add more benefits as we grow and have a few good plans for increased benefits in the works. An added benefit that we forgot to mention being a Paddler makes you feel good and is fun.

Paddler's Membership Form , download yours now

Paddlers for Parts Association # 1545

Box 2813, Yellowknife, NT, X1A2R1, Canada

(867) 444 3007 e-mail

Show Your Smarts, Please Donate your Parts

                        Recycle Yourself