Paddlers for Parts Association #1545

Photo Album
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Canadian Paddlers / International Supporters
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A small Sociable affair celebrating World Rivers
day at the YK river bridge

Just thought that we would give you a new page, before you wear out your scrolling gizmo. Enjoy the photos, join us and add yours.

Yellowknife is waking up and this is the view from
Gregs window, he kind of likes it

Myself and Paddler Patrick sociable Affair 2010
One of our favourite events

Paddlers newest banner adoorns the parking lot
making our site easy to spot.

Paddlers didn't melt when the sky fell in
Mr. Mulders, Patrick and Naomi didn't mind at all

PAtrick and Naomis truck acting as a kayak shuttle
Many thanks for the help with everything.

Our newest friend Priscilla finishes her first
kayak trip and appears hooked

Patrick and Naomi from CERT NWT enjoy the
Paddlers Picnic 2005 great week end.

Greg takes part in a pinned raft simulation
during his raft guide training course

Paddlers having some fun rappelling the local
cliffs, useful and fun skill to have

Greg in his Yak "Sploosh" somewhere near the East
Channel of the Mackenzie River by Inuvik

We will be adding photos and changing things around, hoping to keep your attention glued to our page. There can at times be a small delay between events and some times I just haven't figured out how to get the stuff where I want it, bear with us we're a work in progress.  I think that everyone should check this guy out, we'd love to have him as a member,  Thanks Greg

Paddlers running a class 4 drop Kakisa River, NWT
your president is the fellow in the middle of the raft

Greg and Pat at the Co-op information booth
Pat is a 2X heart transplant recipient and very grateful

Paddlers are great objects to take photos of and we thought you might like to see a few more shots of us in action. 

Join the Paddlers and it will soon be your picture appearing here. Paddlers have a lot of fun promoting our goals.